BCUU is pleased to announce its participation with two newly emergent Utility Undergrounding Districts in Berkeley: Cedar-Hillside and Acton-Rose.
The Cedar-Hillside UUD is shown in the preliminary map below. Please contact Michael Scott if you have any questions or would like to join in the effort to make this project happen. He can be reached via email at: uud@lmi.net
The Acton-Rose UUD is shown in the preliminary map below. Please contact Anne Richards if you have any questions or would like to join in the effort to make this project happen. She can be reached via email at: tannerichards@aol.com
If you want to support these two projects specifically or utility undergrounding in in your neighborhood, please email your thoughts to the Berkeley City Council at Council@cityofberkeley.info and Berkeley Citizens for Utility Undergrounding (BCUU) at info@berkeleyundergrounding.com